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tv   Meet the Press  MSNBC  November 13, 2016 11:00am-12:01pm PST

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this sunday, splitcreen america. a divided nation reacts with joy to the election of donald trump and with anger with anti-trump protesters demonstrating across the country as mr. trump goes to washington. >> mr. president, it was a great honor being with you, and i look forward to being with you many, many more times in the future. >> thank you. >> will trump be able to heal the widening divisions in this country? i will talk to his campaign manager kellyanne conway. e-mail fallout again.
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hillary clinton blames her loss directly on fbi director james comey, saying his announcement stopped her momentum. not only have democrats lost the presidency, the senate, the house and state legislatures all remain in republican hands. how do democrats rebuild? senator cory booker and congressman keith ellison join me. did donald trump win the election? or did hillary clinton lose it? we will dig into the numbers. joining me are david brooks, columnist for the new york times. katty kay, anchor for the b bshb katty kay, anchor for the b bshbbc and hugh hewitt and former ohio state senator and bernie sanders' spouprter nina turner. welcome to sunday and the post-election edition of "meet the press." >> from nbc news in washington,
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this is "meet the press" with chuck todd. good sunday morning and, boy, this is no ordinary sunday. if there's one idea that was validated tuesday, it is that we live in a split screen country. half the country feels it finally got its country back and the other half fears they lost their country on election day. half the nation once again feels at home in a country they recognize. the other half worries that they're now homeless in their own home country. that split screen idea is reflects in the vote. with 93% of the vote counted, hillary clinton leads donald trump by more than 600,000 votes, larger than al gore had in the popular vote over george w. bush. she will almost surely end up winning the popular vote by two percentage points. elections are not won that way. they are won and lost in the electoral college. trump's victory sparked protests over the past few days. one question many people are asking is, how did the polls get it so wrong? hillary clinton has one answer. yesterday she said fbi director james comey's two e-mail announcements 11 days before the
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election and the other two days before the election proved fatal. clinton told donors, quote -- our analysis that comey raised doubts that were groundless and baseless stopped our momentum. the shocker put republicans in control of all levers of power in washington and around the country, and it has left clinton voters asking themselves, what just happened. >> so hillary called. and it was a lovely call. and it was a tough call for her. >> in a category five political storm, we missed what should have been clear, donald trump is the latest in a series of winning presidential candidates who faced opponents with deep resumes or perceived experience. as they did in 1980, 1982, 1984 and 2008 and 2016, americans voted for change. >> if we have learned nothing else from the past two years of
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elections, we should hear that message loud and clear. that the american people want washington to change. >> in the rust belt, pennsylvania, wisconsin, and michigan, trump turned reliably blue states red. how did he do it? number one, like reagan and obama before him, trump won the support of white working class voters in big blue kcollar suburbs. macomb county, home of the reagan democrats, was one of 12 obama counties in michigan that voted trump. >> i think many people also missed the fear that is really in working men and women's hearts and souls. 2008 scared people. >> number two, the obama coalition did not turn out where it needed to. turnout was down among african-american voters. in cuyahoga county, home to cleveland, clinton got 63,000 f fewer votes than obama did.
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and democratic votes were down in wayne county and in walk county. number three, trump spiked the vote in rural america. while romney won in rural areas by 19 points in pennsylvania, trump won them by 45 points. >> the rural jobs are tougher to find. so all of these different factors, you know, made it a little easier for donald trump and his campaign focusing on immigrants taking jobs, trade deals causing jobs to be lost. >> clinton also struggled to articulate why voters should support her beyond the fact that she was not trump. what is the big idea of your candidacy? >> look, we are stronger together. we are stronger together in facing our internal challenges and our external ones. >> instead of running clear economic messaging in small town and rural america as obama's campaign did in 2012 -- >> now he has a plan that will give millionaire's a tax break.
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knock the crap out of them, will you? >> the outcome is unfathomable. >> discourse has changed forever. >> the other half celebrate. >> what i'm seeing is a return back to family values. >> joining me now is the woman who ran the trump campaign, and is now helping with the transition, kellyanne conway. welcome back to the show. >> thank you, chuck. >> let me start, it's amazing what a difference a month makes. a month ago, speaker paul ryan was not inviting him to a rally. as early as 24 hours before the election he said that donald trump did not speak for the republican party and obviously, paul ryan has changed his tune, and on election day, we had a conversation and you were setting up the idea that if he comes up short, the republican party has a lot to answer for. and so is this victory because of the republican party or despite of it? >> because of the republican party. but mostly because of donald j. trump. he created a movement.
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you see the turnout in the counties that went for donald trump being way up. the see the counties in the states that were more for hillary clinton being way down in turnout. the enthusiasm and momentum, chuck, that donald trump created as part of his movement really ended up translating into votes on election day. i hope even those who were critical of mr. trump, of president-elect trump, i like the sound of that, i hope they learn something from the voters. that's what so many of us have been urging from the beginning. you want to grow the republican party? pay attention to what he has done. >> before the election, there were democrats telling hillary clinton, if she won, she needed to spend time in red america. does donald trump need to spend time in blue america, not just have rallies with supporters but maybe have town halls with opponents? >> sure. he has shown his willingness to spend time in blue america. it's how he won the election. busting the blue wall. and people said that we couldn't
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do. >> it is one thing to go to states with where voters agree with him, but talking to voters who disagree with him. >> he found a lot of voters who disagreed with the republican party all along and they voted for him. those were the undercover trump voters we tried to talk about. >> you said a chief of staff announcement was imminent. who a president names as chief of staff does set a tone. i want to quote dan balls. do trump's core followers want washington to work better together or do they want him to be disruptive as a president. it seems that reince priebus, chairman of the rnc as chief of staff would send one direction about working with paul ryan. steve bannon, might send a more disruptive message. should we read into that depending on who he names? >> well, they will both have big roles in a trump administration, as well as they should. it was a very small core senior team. probably less than ten people all told. i'm sure that everyone will be very important to the president moving forward. i will say this though. i think having worked with him
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and known him, steve bannon in this particular campaign was the general. and he is much more the goldman sachs managing partner and the naval officer than people realize. that's a big part of the background. >> what you are saying is he wouldn't come in to say, let's burn washington down? >> i think the president-elect is there to implement his first 100 day plan and those around him know that and will appreciate that, whether it's within his inner circle on capitol hill. we are very grateful in trump world to both bannon and priebus. i think you will see them continue to work together. we all worked closely together. this is a mandate and those of us who are around him will support him in a way to do stuff. >> you say it is a mandate, but how do you explain losing the pop u you lar vote? >> you got big states in there like california and illinois, new york. >> all part of america. >> of course they're part of america. >> that's my point. that's half the country -- it's
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one thing to claim a mandate. i think governing-wise i guess what you are saying. but you do have a public opinion-wise or popularity-wise, that's a different story. how do you square the two. >> my colleagues across the aisle in brooklyn and team clinton are strong people and respect them very much, but they mis-read america. they did not have her in the red states, and they were pretending that they would turn red blue, and literally said and all of you covered it like it is gospel that literally said that we will know the election result before election day because of the early vote, false. written about. but written about. she had a good election -- good early voting but horrible election day turnout. then it was, we will have historic turnout. false. it was written about and covered as if it were true because it came from them. i just want to say to you about him, he has put out an agenda that everybody can see. he has talked about what his replacement for obamacare would be. he has talked about his plan to defeat radical islamic terrorism. he is going to create 45 million
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jobs over ten years, invest in energy and infrastructure. it's all there. >> let me ask you one final question. hillary clinton pinned the blame on james comey for her loss. do you believe comey did have an impact, whether direct impact or not, do you believe it had some -- that had it some help to your candidacy in the last 11 day days? >> i think it's unfortunate that for secretary clinton who is a woman of enormous gifts and talents and she should be commended for putting herself out there and running for president twice, i can't believe it is always somebody else's fault. sometimes you have to take a look in the mirror and reflect on what went wrong. we saw the polls tightening as you must have before the comey announcement on october 28. i think to recognize the fact that 40 million people have voted, they can't have it both ways in clinton world. they were quoted that very weekend, chuck, on your show and others as saying, people have decided. people have already incorporated the e-mail scandal into their voting decisions. now they're going back and
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saying he had an impact. what about the fact that they just got it wrong? what about the fact they weren't in touch with americans and the cultural zeitgeist and the issue set that motivate americans? what about the fact that people felt they had nothing in common or connective tissue with hillary clinton. >> i'm going to leave it there. congratulations. the first woman to run a successful presidential campaign as campaign manager. that should not -- >> thrilled for the country. >> that should not get lost in all of this. thanks for coming on. joining me is a democrat who represents a part of the country that perhaps still can't believe they lost tuesday. senator cory booker of new jersey. welcome back to "meet the press." >> thank you for having me on again. >> let me put the question to you this way. what did you learn from the voters on tuesday? what message did they send to you? >> look, i think that neither party should be standing with pride and chest thumping right now when you have something that's very ahistoric, and
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something when the electoral college and the popular vote were different. the message to both parties should be right now that we need to find ways to work together to speak to the american public. this is an election like i have never seen before. and i think it reflects the fact that many people have a dissatisfaction with politics as usual. both parties should be humble, reach out to each and find ways to build on common ground, to serve the concerns, the rightful frustrations of the american people. >> when you ran for senate, you talked about you wanted to be a disrupter in that positive sense when you think of the way silicon valley companies are thought of as disrupters. trump, clinton, i heard a lot of voters talking about trump as a disrupter. do you get the sense maybe that is -- that was something that was missing in hillary clinton's message? >> you know, i think there's going to be a lot of time to focus on the data in this election and figure out what happened. i know there's people on both sides trying to sift through it all. right now, i'm dealing with the
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fact that i've never seen an election like this one before where people are so fearful. we elected someone who spews so much twitter troll-like bile and hate and bigotry that i have people erupting in tears, even the flight i have to come here, an african-american single mom slipped me a note and hugged me with tears in her eyes. so this is a time where i have deep concern about the future of our country. i've never seen an election from folks who tell me about their children feeling as if they have to leave the nation because they're going to come after them. my concern right now is standing in the breach and trying to turn fear into hope and trying to let folks know we're going to fight forward and defend fellow americans against what might or might not come. >> what's your message to these protesters that are popping up? i was talking with kellyanne
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conway about it, asking if donald trump should address these folks? she says he has. she said she thinks that president obama and secretary clinton should be telling these protesters, essentially, you need to accept the defeat and give some time and space to president-elect trump. what's your message to the protesters? >> i'm sitting here right now having this conversation with you because of the tradition of american protest. i have my rights, not because of washington suddenly deciding strom thurman and others, let's give certain americans certain rights, but the ardent yielding voices of protesters. when you have a president that in his campaign who ran saying things that not aren't just contrary to fact but literally threatening to use presidential power in a way that would erode the rights and privileges and equality of large sections of americans, god bless the protesters.
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but i will tell you this. i caution anyone who in their protest becomes the very thing that they're protesting against. meaning, turning to hateful speech, violating principles and ideals that are sacred in this country. we need to raise our voices, but we do not need to indulge in hate. i still remember how upset i was and the aftermath of president obama's election where people and republican leadership didn't say that i want to focus on the issues and values of our country but my number one goal is to see that barack obama is not a two-term president. that's outrageous. i would never do that. my number one goal to fight to protect poor people, ethnic and religious minorities, working class folks. so i'm not going to become what the other side in many ways did that i felt was despicable, whether it was heckling a president during his state of the union address or questioning the birth and the legitimacy of a president. those things were despicable to me.
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we need to not lose our honor. we need to not lose our class in the way that we go about being a noble opposition. >> the obama coalition didn't turn out to vote for her. about half -- you could look at it two different ways. there were some parts of the obama coalition that voted trump, particularly when you look at what happened in michigan. 12 counties with working class folks who voted obama over romney picked trump over clinton. then there were turnout issues in other places like wisconsin. is this a reminder that the obama coalition is not a democratic party coalition? >> you know, so again, i live in a city and i've lived my entire professional live i've lived in a poor census track median income where i live. it's $14,000. i've seen people come out in droves for obama in 2008. i've seen them not come out in
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the governor's flas 2009 and what happened after that race? the earned income tax was hurting and cutting poor people, and raising the taxes on poor people. i have seen planned parenthood attacked and elections have consequences, and we all need to understand that, a and so i don't care about obama coalition or name it whatever you want, but when you don't come outo vote, and some people may think it does not affect my life, but there are people in the nation on the margins that elections like this will hurt and lit have a deep impact, and again a that is why put me the opposition, put me in those people who are going to be resisting the things in the country that are going to happen now where the folks in power have said and told us who they are and they have an agenda to hurt the folks who are working class american, and americans struggling, and we are go ing to have to do everything that we can to fight against that to make sure that even though we didn't get the big turnouts where we needed and we had the votes to win, but even though we did not get the
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turnout, we have to keep fighting and not give up. >> what are you looking ahead in the nex head of the dnc party? >> a committed progressive and somebody to help to get the message out. >> what are you looking for in the next head of the democratic party? >> the next head needs to be a committed progressive, somebody that's going to help to get our message out. again, i've been working in my community for a long time. i've seen what happens when mortgage companies run amok and do things i consider should have been illegal. >> is that keith ellison? >> that is a name that gives me hope and excitement. there's a process. but they need to be a committed progressive. they need to be someone in this time where there's a vacuum of leadership, that will join others of the committed resistance and stand in the breach. we need to reach out and give space for partnership and collaboration. that's the humility i was talking about to find -- to see if there's things we can work together on. but ultimately, if they come after us, with bigotry, prejudice, if they come after -- we need to make america love again and do everything we can to prevent this country from becoming the way that donald trump campaigned.
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if he governs the way he campaigned, it will be a disastrous presidency. this is a chance for him to be magnanimous and humble and to work across the aisle and if so, that is fine, but if not, i want the dnc chair and the democrats and the citizens to resist. >> cory booker, democrat from new jersey, thanks for coming on. did donald trump win the election or did hillary clinton lose it? and the man who bernie sanders, elizabeth warren and you heard there cory booker may want to lead the democratic party. s built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line.
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well, what the heck just happened? hugh hewitt, a supporter of bernie sanders nina turner is here, katty kay to give the brexit perspective and david brooks, columnist for "the new york times." there were many things that we believed to be true, turned out not to be. we believed donald trump support
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was stuck in the low 40s. it wasn't. we believed hillary clinton had a stable lead. she did not. we believed that hillary clinton would expand the electoral map. she didn't. we believed president obama's coalition was transferable to clinton. it wasn't. we believed clinton's successful convention and debates would matter. they did not. there's a lot more. david brooks, trump win, hillary lose, what happened? >> well, it is a good week for humility for pundits. the 21st century happened. it started on 9/11 and it has been a century of counter reaction to globalization. and a good century for 72 nations have gotten more authoritarian. we have had brexit. we have a lot of these types around the world. the people who will suffering from globalization are saying, no more. we get a voice. for those of us who believe in
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it, there has to be a movement that says, we still believe in trade, we still believe in international engagement for america. for those losers or those suffering, we have your back. to me the crucial moment of the clinton campaign was when she gave up on the trade deal that she had helped negotiate. that said, i don't believe in what i think i believe in my whole life. i'm about to renounce it to win your vote. it was a character issue. she couldn't have an affirmative case for a global world but a supportive world. >> katty? >> i agree on the brexit team. i'm thinking about the trump team this week. because when i was in london during the brexit vote, members of the leave thought they had lost and woke up staggered that they had won. and we have heldle polls that if we held it again, remain would win. and people came on the bbc who said, that i voted to leave, but i didn't think that we would leave. it was a protest vote.
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i think what we have seen is the kind of simple, clarion call of change crashing up against governing. that's what's going on right now. >> disruption. >> i have had a lot of people say if sanders had been the nominee, it would have been a different story. >> i believe that to be true. again, everybody thought that secretary clinton was going to beat mr. trump. so we will never know. in terms of the populist message, senator sanders on the opposite side in a way that pulls people together and not divide them, he was speaking the language of the forgotten. so there should be no surprise that forgotten america, no matter their ethnicity, because we see that mr. trump was able to get hispanic voters, african-american voters, the majority of the women voters that he was able to amass even though he was painted as the other, the democratic party did not listen to the voices of the forgotten america. >> president-elect trump won rural america three to one. he got more african-american votes and latino votes than mitt romney did according to pugh. it's a political earthquake. i lived in california 27 years. i went through north ridge and
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big bear. people are jittery after it. you don't want to be under an overpass. you don't want to be in a tall building. i don't want to get out ahead of understanding all of this, but there is a monumental shift that goes back to what david said about a reaction to 9/11, the panic, the post-traumatic stress america that is coming up in these protests now, and it is very reminiscent and i'm the only one at the table who can remember 1968 and i was in junior high, and it is very reminiscent. i'm the only one that can remember 1968. it's reminiscent of 1968. >> i had a lot of people bring that up. i want to throw something out here. about this idea of the lack of cohesion with clinton. is it possible, nina, that
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clinton just screamed status quo and even barack obama didn't see that? >> very much so. this was a disruption election year. this was the anti-insider year. some democrats, especially establishment democrats, took their eye off the ball. president obama is amazing in every way. that's why he won in 2008. in 2016, people wanted something different. they're tired of talking about the foreign stuff. nobody was really focusing in on domestic issues that wealth and income inequality is high, people are suffering every day. they wanted something different. i think in terms of the bernie or bust notion, some folks meant that. they actually meant that. >> i want to throw one other thing out here. let me play for you a comment by a reporter for reports on rural america for progressive farmer.
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he had a provocative response on what happened post election. listen to this one piece of analysis, david. >> every time you heard about these polls, you heard that educated white voters were going for clinton while people without college degrees or had no college supported trump. i think that they took some of these things that were said over and over throughout the last four or five of the campaign also very personally themselves that rural america is not uneducated even though maybe there are fewer people with college degrees than there might be in the metropolitan areas. >> that stung me. when we would say these things, it was an academic exercise. the minute he said it i was like, my late father would have kicked me in the rear. >> i had that just watching that. mea culpa. it's true demographically that people with college degrees voted differently than people with high school degrees. when you say it when you don't have a college degree, you hear, they think i'm stupid.
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>> that's not it at all. >> i'm guilty of that. i use the shorthand, too, and you saw so much moral injury when you went around the trump world which i have been doing, and i used to have a code of respectability and these people are trying to take it away, and a number of times i heard flyover country, and you guys think that i'm flyover country and i have heard it, but i heard it like every hour. >> the skepticism that has grown up about elites is totally justified. since 2008, no one has gone to jail on wall street for the crash. elites have not been able to fix the problem. we haven't managed to fix post-manufacturing job growth, we haven't fixed issues with immigration. policymakers have plainly failed here in the united states and in europe as well. people have suffered because of that. when they say throw out economists, you can totally understand why. >> this is very important, because donald trump actually won a lot of people -- we gotta give the president-elect his
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due. he was a beam for the disappointed. he said for the people disappointed with the president on obamacare, come to me, people disappointed with trade, come to me, people disappointed with the supreme court, come to me. he did run a campaign of bringing in the disappointed and to the people who may be disappointed with their own lives and where they are, they have a person to speak for them. >> i will take a pause here. how should the democrats dig out of this deep hole? move in the sanders warren direction or try to reconnect with rural and working class america. the man who sanders and warrant ---er warren want to run the party come to join us next. here is what snl did last night. their version of a clinton watch party from tuesday night. >> the urban -- black people vote late. >> yeah. let's hope there's 100,000 of us in green bay. brothers love the packers.
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welcome back. ever since donald trump took over the republican party, political journalists have been obsessed with this question, how
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will the republican party fix itself? after tuesday's election, the republican party seems fixed. they still hold a majority of the senate. they will be defending fewer seats than the democrats in 2018. they hold the house with a healthy majority in republican hands. they gained two more state houses which means they have 33 of the country's 50 governorships. the race in north carolina is undecided, though the democrat is ahead. republicans control 32 state legislatures to just 13 for the democrats with four states divided. with trump's victory, republicans have grabbed the one office that they seem destined to lose for years, and that was the presidency. now the question we're asking is this. how does the democratic party fix itself? joining me is a man who bernie sanders and elizabeth warren believe is the answer to the question of who should lead the democratic party out of this wilderness. it's congressman keith ellison of minnesota. welcome to the show. >> thanks, chuck. how are you? >> i'm okay. word is you are announcing officially that you are jumping into the race to be democratic national committee chair tomorrow. is that true?
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>> well, chuck, let me tell you, i've been talking to a lot of people, people basic organizers of the democratic base level, also members of congress, labor leaders, all types of folks. and i'm telling you, i'm going do my good part. i will let my decision be known tomorrow or soon enough. the real question is not what one person is going to do. what are we all going to do? how are we going to pitch in to fix this party to make working america know that the democratic party is absolutely on their side? that's the real question. >> why do you think they -- let's talk to both your state in minnesota, you have seen the counties that flipped obama to trump, michigan. there were obama '12 voters that voted trump. it's clear it was an economic message that they were trying to send. how did this happen? >> well, i think that people have been looking at 40 years of flat wages. you know, the reality is, you
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got folks in diners and hair shops and barber shops all over this country who look at their own lives and think, you know, my parents did better than i'm doing and my kids might not do as well as i'm doing. that's because wages have been flat for so long. they feel like there's two systems of justice. over there at wells fargo, you had all this scandal going on there, the ceo leaves with a giant package. other folks get a lot of trouble for doing less. the truth is, we have got to make america work for working people again. we have to have a shared prosperity. we have to make that our job number one. chuck, four minimum wage ballot measures succeeded tuesday. people want a better economic playing field for working americans. they're voting for it. our job is to make sure that people know the democratic party is the party that is going to deliver that for them. that means strengthening
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grass-roots, local, county level, making sure we are channelled on massive turnout. >> you think that the clinton brand actually hurt in that bill clinton is the signer of nafta and coif you are looking at the rust belt, it is something that donald trump reminded the voters a lot of, and hillary clinton did not spend a lot of time in rural america, and two questions, did the clinton brand itself was too tainted with the big donation, and big money, and nafta going back there and second, do you think that democrats were perceived as looking down on rural america? >> i tell you whose brand was tainted is donald trump. this guy was tainted every kind of way you could imagine. no way in the world that donald trump is a champion of working people. he has hurt workers in las vegas, atlantic city, florida, multiple bankruptcies, never showed his taxes. i don't know any good thing this guy has done.
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yet because he was able to throw hate and poison on hillary clinton, he was able to somehow prevail at least to the electoral college. he lost the popular vote. i think he was skilled at just sort of keeping the attention on anyone but himself. this guy is the most outrageous person ever to win a presidential election. >> you don't put this fault on clinton at all? >> i'm not going to get up here cast fault on democrats. i think that -- look, negative campaigning, people do it because sometimes it works. in this particular case, him saying all this stuff that he said, you know, had an impact. but the real question,how do we go forward? my point is we have to go to the doors. we have to go directly to the people from the party unit by strengthening folks at the grass-roots level to bring a message of economic prosperity for working people. that's what we gotta do. >> the job of dnc chair many people believe now is a big
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full-time job. david axelrod, president obama's long time political adviserer said that he is agnostic as to who, but the dems should piblg a full time party chair, because the job just became infinitely more demanding and important. and howard dean announcing said that as much as he likes you, you can't do both the job of the dnc chair and serve in congress. what do you say to that? >> i think that the most important criteria is vision. what is your vision for the party? do you have a vision to strengthen the grass-roots and help them turn out people in their local communities? >> you can do both jobs? >> yes, i can. but the fact is is that the real question is not about one person. it's not about an individual. it's about millions of people working all over this country to reach out in their local communities. the dnc chair has to help them do that and have a vision for that and the energy for that. >> let me ask a question this
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way. if you decide not to run, why would that be? what's the reason not to do it, if you decide not to do it? >> because there's a lot of places that i can serve. i'm going to -- i'm going to fight to rebuild the democratic party no matter what. i will fight to make sure the democratic party is known among working people that we are their champion, no matter what. i'm not really -- i'm looking for a place to serve. i'm looking for a place to be of use and benefit. every democrat in this country better think the same way, how can we help the average american worker right out there, worrying about whether the plant will close, fighting for them, standing up for them. that's what the story is. >> keith ellison. >> what can we all do? >> keith ellison, democrat from minnesota, congressman. we will find out tomorrow it sounds like what your final decision is on whether to jump into the race to be dnc chair. thanks for coming on "meet the press," sir. >> any time.
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when we come back, did hillary clinton lose because obama voters didn't show up or did she lose because obama voters voted for trump? my hygienist said the most random thing. she said i should think of my teeth like an apple. it could be great on the outside not so great on the inside.
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we are back. it's data download time. we have been looking at the question, did donald trump win the election or hillary clinton lose it? the answer is yes and yes. and now, let's really dye into the numbers. we will start with the state of florida where clinton hit the number we thought she needed. she got 248,000 more votes than president obama did in 2012. big surge in latino voters. but obama won florida, clinton did not. how did it happen? because trump was able to drive up turnout in parts of the state that many of us did not expect. he over performed mitt romney. in florida nearly 450,000. so donald trump won florida and
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hillary clinton did not lose it. wisconsin, however, that paints a different picture. it's a state hillary clinton clearly lost. here is how. donald trump got nearly the same number of votes in wisconsin that romney did in 2012. about a 2,000 vote different between the two. clinton missed obama's mark by a lot. she got almost 240,000 fewer votes. just look at milwaukee, a city the clinton team banked on winning big. clinton got 43,000 fewer votes than obama did. turnout was down overall, which suggests those folks didn't switch parties, they simply stayed home. those folks lost votes in milwaukee alone were enough to cost her the state. she lost wisconsin to donald trump by roughly 27,000 votes. wow. clinton needed to revive the obama coalition to beat donald trump and in states like wisconsin, along with michigan and ohio and pennsylvania, she wasn't able to do that. she needed to make sure obama voters didn't become trump voters. clearly in some states that happened too.
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coming up, looking forward. how does donald trump deal with a divided nation? initiated. ♪ [beeping] take on any galaxy with a car that could stop for you. simulation complete. the new nissan rogue. rogue one: a star wars story. in theaters december 16th. aa body without properd nefoot support can mean pain. the dr. scholl's kiosk maps your feet and recommends our custom fit orthotic to stabilize your foundation and relieve lower-back, knee or foot pain from being on your feet. find your nearest kiosk at also available from dr. scholl's: heavy duty support
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together, we're building a better california. back now with the panel. donald trump's going to be presiding over a divided country. what's interesting is the same language that conservatives used during the obama years is long that's being borrowed by progressives. let me play for you something we put together. >> we will take our country back and you are either with us or you are against us.
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>> what is happening to america? >> take our country back. >> it leaves me wondering where i've been living and with whom i'm living. >> this is not my america. what he stands for is not the america i know and love. >> it seems like we're destined to be split screen america. how does he try to put this back together? >> we still are america though. we're still a country that is a country of social mobility. we're still a country of immigrants. we're still a country with common ancestors. reviving the civics of america and the idea that we're going to be united at least not right now but some common future and talking in that hopeful way that martin luther king did, abraham lincoln did -- >> senator turner and i agree on nothing, but i admire her greatly. we are browns' fans and we know how to pray and lose, and i
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admire her greatly, but we disag gr disagree, and i think that reemerges eventually, it is politics and not life. >> bau that is apocalyptic, and i think that both parties did it, if you don't vote this way, that the country is gone. >> that's a -- here is what -- i feel as if -- boy, did both campaigns do it. apocalyptic rhetoric like this. if you don't vote this way -- >> i think it depends which right turn america is about to take. is it about to take a reagan-style right turn where we slash regulation, slash taxes, have a fiscal stulus program and there's job growth? or is it a nativist populist right turn when adopts anti-immigrant tone, anti-race tone of some of the groups that we have seen in europe? the fact that the first foreign politician to congratulate donald trump was from the national front and the first xenophobic group, and i don't even know if they know what image that sends.
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>> we can't make america great again without love, without hope, without justice, without peace and without an acknowledgement that a fear that was stoked not only by president-elect trump's campaign, but the the democrats as well. i talked to a friend in new york. she teaches. she talked about how some of her hispanic students came in crying thinking that their parents are going to be deported the next day. we the collective we, people of leadership on all sides have to deal with this. >> i think the problem is -- it's just competence. that is what i wor i about. it's whether he can get the job done. it's like me saying, i want to be a heart surgeon. how can it be? you put in a new one. >> i worry about -- >> i worry about hyperloyalty. i'm an old nixon guy, and we have a merger of nixon and rockefeller. nixon was brought down by blindly loyal partisans.
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dean colson and liddy, and people that he did not worry about. people he did not know what they were doing that they thought were acting on his part. when he staffs up, i am worried about the 4,000 people that come with him. reagan brought three. he also had fred fielding in the background there making sure -- nancy reagan was a check on everybody. that's what worries me. and also nancy reagan was a check, and that is what worries me. >> one thing with we have been wondering about is twitter and mr. trump. this is what he said. >> i'm going to very restrained, if i use it at all, i'm going to do very restrained. i find it tremendous. it's a modern form of communication. there should be nothing you should be ashamed of. it's where it's at. >> speaking of where it's at, donald trump tweeted this morning and he tweets the following -- w wow, "the new york times" is losing thousands of subscriberers because of the very poor and highly inaccurate coverage of the trump phenomena and noting a a letter that the
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"times" has sent to subscribes.s >> patriotic duty, subscribe to the "new york times." >> this is -- it's probably how he's going to have a conversation with the press is that it's always going to be through twitter. >> now, the guy is and animus dn to wake up in the morning the to get in fights with people. that's been true since the 1980s. i'm not sure that will change. how often does a 70-year-old ego maniac change? >> that's the real concern globally is that we don't know who we're dealing with. if he doesn't get his way on trade deals, does he slap tariffs on china and provoke a currently war? if he doesn't get his way with japan or with mexico, what's the retaliation going to be? i think that's what people are nervous about. how quick is he going to be to respond in ways that are very damaging? >> it is interesting here that i want to put up the two tweets he did in response to protesters and one at 7:00 at night that he said that the protesters were looking professional and insighted by the media and very unfair, and then at 3:00 in the
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morning, nine hours later, he says, no, no, no i love the fact that small groups of protesters have passion for the country and we all want them to come together and be proud. >> the first amendment is a beautiful thing, and somebody reminded him of that. >> and as the senator turner said off camera, twitter is fun to relieve the stress and good fun, and ways the do it as the president of the united states, and where it is at, but it is a head of the state issue where you have to be so careful. >> you can't have a temper tantrum on twitter every day. >> a lot for us to cover. a washington parlor game who everyone is plague. wait until you hear lindsey graham. we will be right back. >> coming up, "meet the press" end game, brought to you by boeing, building the future one century at a time. american express open cards can help you take on a new job, or fill a big order
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"meet the press" end game is brought to you by boeing, building the future one century at a time. "meet the press" end game is brought to you by boeing, building the future one century
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at a time. >> back now with end game. there's a lot of speculation about who will be chief of staff, who will be in the cabinet. donald trump has a supreme court opening to fill immediately. lindsey graham has an idea. he tweeted the following. lindsey graham, we know how much he loves ted cruz. >> this was an accurate statement. there are equals, mike lee and paul clement and i have heard the name for whom ted cruz clerked mike liddic. k. but he is right, everybody would love this. everybody wins. >> 99 to nothing. >> he could be ambassador to mongolia. anything. >> it does go -- that first 100 days, that's part of this. the question is going to be -- how hard do democrats fight this? >> i think this is part of this trying to understand which kind of a turn donald trump is taking. what kind of a country he
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envisions and who he picks for the supreme court as are key early appointments, those are indications we get about what kind of right turn america is on the verge of taking. is it more extreme than -- >> what do progressives expect from democrats? you heard cory booker saying if there's things we can work with, we can work with. he is not going to be what the republicans did to president obama. some progressives want tit for tat. some progressives want chuck shumer to do whatever it takes to keep republicans from confirming although there is not much na he can do. >> listen, if the supreme court nomination is extreme and probably by democratic standards it should be, we should fight. but i don't they we should hold up just to do it. then we become what we accused them of doing. it's vitally important, chuck, that in this environment that leaders do come together to reassure this country that all hell is not about to break lose.
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>> can i ask you that the only chairman i have is named bide even if they got him to take over the dnc and how would a progressive like you react to old pro vice president joe biden who could raise money and bring people together to connect the whole world. >> i love vice-president biden. let's make this clear. but we do need somebody that is going to reconnect with the heart and soul of everyday americans in this country. the democrats failed on that. we can place blame on everybody else. but the bottom line is you can love this party and critique this party. >> it needs to be a new face? >> it need s s to be a strong, strong progressive. >> that's all we got. i would love to get another hour. the affiliates want this hour back. we will be back next week becae as you know if it's sunday, it's "meet the press."
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and a good sunday to you. i'm richard lui in new york city, and welcome the "pulse of america" right here on msnbc where your voice can be heard for the next hour. these are the stories that we want to get your pulse on today. first off, how divided is the country? the anti-trump protesters march nationwide, and unite the country. and newt gingrich says they can work with the